Saturday, May 7, 2011

Flying Tomorrow!

Last day of work yesterday before the trip, followed by a nice send off from a few friends.  (You'd think I was going to climb Everest instead of being pampered for a week!) Thanks to Sandra for organizing the event, it was a fun night.

For those that don't know, Sandra is not coming with me on this trip, I'm flying, or rather, sailing, solo.  Why is that?  Well, she may be a guest blogger here so she can answer in her own words if she chooses, but I think it's safe to say that she didn't have the same level of enthusiasm for the trip as I do.  So we decided that I'd do it as a sort of test drive.  If I think she will like it, then we will do the next trip together.  If I think she wouldn't like it, well, no harm done! 

Flight leaves tomorrow night to Ottawa to London.  I'll have a day to walk around there and then Tuesday morning will take the train to Southampton.  Quite interested to see how they board some 2500 people. You'd think it would be a nightmare but I'm told it's much more pleasant than flying, which really doesn't take much.

Interesting fact of the day:  westbound transatlantic crossings have 25 hour days as you set your clock back an hour every night (except for first and last).  Another reason I chose westbound over eastbound.

Made a couple of changes to the blog.  Added a news feed and also crammed in a few more ads.  (Gotta pay for the trip somehow!)  Oh, and I found a way to allow anonymous comments, so you shouldn't have to use a google or yahoo ID to comment.

My next post will likely be from the ship!


  1. Safe travels. Have fun, and looking forward to your postings on the fabulous ship. I do so love the QM2

  2. Have a great trip Rob. And, I want to know all about the food and all the funny things you can think of about the other passengers!

    As for blog topics, we are living this vicariously through you, so the more the better, even if it seems inane :-).

    Safe travels and have fun!

