Sunday, May 13, 2012

Till next time

It's about time to do a wrap up.  The most common question I have gotten is, did I like this trip as much as last year's trip?  Of course, it's not a yes/no answer.  I like some things more and some things less.  When it comes to the transatlantic experience, I don't think you can beat traveling on Cunard and the Queen Mary 2.  It is a ship like no other and Cunard really does the transatlantic well.  And I really prefer going west and gaining hours.  Seems like a minor thing to worry about over a week, but it does make a difference.

Azamara, however, seems to have found a nice niche with more included amenities, casual atmosphere and more overnight stays that would be very nice for say a Mediterranean cruise.  Plus the smaller ships make it much easier to get on and off at ports. So I'm glad I did it and would consider them for that sort of trip.  The take-away here is" there are lots of choices out there, so take the time to find what's right for you.

As I wrap up, I checked stats on my blog.  I had about the same number of blog page views last year and this year, approx 1700.  About 1/2 of the views have come from the US, with the other 1/2 mainly from Canada and the UK.  There were also views from Russia, Australia, Germany, Ireland, Holland, Switzerland, and New Zealand.  So, until next time, thanks everyone for reading!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Final Videos

If you were the captain of a cruise ship, you would probably think that docking it was the difficult part.  Then you could let the terminal crew take over and passengers could quickly disembark right?  We were late getting in to Rouen as I mentioned before, so many passengers were anxious to get off and spend a few hours seeing the city, even if it was raining.  We didn't plan on this.  I wasn't going to make a joke about the French, but,well, they make it so easy!  I don't need to say any more, the video says it all.

I felt sorry for the crew, they were ready to go well before we docked.  I was speaking with the hotel director as this was going on, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.  He said that because they change schedules every year, they are often going to ports that they have never been to, or haven't been to in a long time. Unfortunately, they really don't know what to expect until they see it in action.  They were coming back to Rouen on the next cruise but he thought this wasn't boding well for returning in future years.

Finally, here is the video of the ship taken over the boyage.  You will see the different weather and sea conditions (though I left out the rough sea footage).  I realized that I didn't take many indoor shots which is too bad.  I would have like to have been able to include the restaurants and cafe.  So this is mainly outdoors, probably because I spent most of the day time there.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Photos of the trip

I'm sure you have all been waiting for the photos, well here they are!  The nice thing about virtually sharing photos, is you can go as fast as you want through them, or not look at them at all.  I will never know!

I have cut out about 200 from my original set so this is quite reduced.  Still seems to be too many but it was more effort than it was worth to pick and choose which to remove. 

To view the photos, click on the link on the right of the blog page or here: photos of Azamara cruise.

I still have a lot more video to go through and should have a one or two more to put on youtube.  Maybe sometime this week.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sailing up the Seine

Another day, another video.  This one captures the sights of finally seeing land in France and then sailing up the Seine river to Rouen.  Lousy weather really dulls the beautiful scenery unfortunately.  Still, it was a nice way to spend a day.


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Video: Sailing out of New York

This was a highlight for me and something I won't forget for a long time.  So lucky to have had good weather to sail out from Manhattan.  As you will hear the Captain say, one of the great harbors of the world. 

One thing I learned: the ship's horn is very loud, best not to be directly under it when it goes off!

Video Sailing Out of New York

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First video

Quickly pulled some video together of the day of rough seas.  I took it from 25 mins down to less than 5.  Would suggest you watch it in HD and on the biggest screen you have.  Also, have the sound on as I included part of the Captain's noon update (or 1 pm update after we turned the clocks forward).

More videos will come as I have time to do some editing.   If you like it, please hit the "like" button.
